
Baby driver soundtrack bell bottoms
Baby driver soundtrack bell bottoms

baby driver soundtrack bell bottoms

Santana chose to go against the trend by doing Black Magic Woman, and Oye Como Va. Folk icon James Taylor, not to be outdone, added Fire and Rain. Creedence Clearwater Revival must have been considering a move to Southern California after writing their two hit songs Who’ll Stop the Rain, and Have You Ever Seen the Rain. A young man named Elton John scored his first hit with Your Song. Simon and Garfunkel’s Bridge over Troubled Water rose to the top of the charts. Or go to the next faire or festival and make new memories.Ī faire-goer? To be or not to be, that is the question! Great photos of merry-makers and other info also appear on the Renaissance Faire and Festival website. The new dates usually appear there first. If the dates of your local fair have not been announced for the coming year, click on the name of your local fair and you will see its website. To find the Renaissance faire or festival near you and see which days it is open, go to Renaissance Faire and Festival and look for your State. They generally appear once each year and last for anywhere from one to eight weekends. Lo and behold, these Renaissance faires and festivals are still going strong and there is probably one near you, where-e'er ye may be. It had a remarkable feather almost two feet long that fluttered in the breeze as I doffed this hat to fine ladies at many a faire thereafter.

baby driver soundtrack bell bottoms

I even bought a marvelous green hat that a Chevalier might have worn. In 1969 I stumbled into the first of these to sprout in the US of A, the grand and venerable Renaissance Pleasure Faire in Southern California. The Renaissance faires and festivals that you see today in virtually every State (and many countries around the world) go all the way back to the glory days when rock and roll ruled the airways and dressing up in outrageous outfits came a little easier for us. That should be enough of a reason to do some celebrating on Baby Boomers Recognition Day. Maybe it's time to recognize that we really are Boomers, and that lots of other great people are Boomers too. Most of us ran so far from that hippie stereotype that we stopped identifying ourselves as Boomers. They acted as though all of us were drugged-out long-hairs who lived in communes and rode motorcycles on the way to a nowhere life. Why haven't we recognized Boomers' contributions more? The new book "Boomers Rock Again" explains that "our parents' generation poked fun at us by calling us hippies. George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Brad Pitt, Sandra Bullock and many other popular actors. Steven Spielberg and his blockbuster movies. Deepak Chopra and the mind-body-spirit experience. Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Whoopi Goldberg and other unique talk show hosts. How about Madonna, Elton John, Bruce Springsteen, Stevie Wonder and many others who rocked our world with great music? Then there were: Michael Jordan and Tracy Austin in sports. Think of Boomers such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, who made the current digital age possible. Baby Boomers Recognition Day is June 21, 2015, a time to celebrate being a Boomer and to enjoy life.Īs Boomers, we experienced the colorful 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, and some of us made very significant contributions to the way of life we all enjoy today.

Baby driver soundtrack bell bottoms